Q: What is the study about?
A: This project explores the development of reasoning about religious norms and practices among both religious and secular middle and high school students (aged 11-18) in the areas surrounding San Francisco and Monterey Bays. For more information about the study, please refer to our Research tab.
Q: What would my child be asked to do?
A: Your child may be asked to participate in a virtual interview using the online platform Zoom. This virtual interview could be an audio call or a video call and could be conducted using a computer or a cell phone. Your child may be asked to participate in an online survey; our research team would send you a link to the survey via email.
Q: How long would the Zoom interview take?
A: Each student interview would take around 45 minutes.
Q: How long would the online survey take?
A: The online survey takes around thirty minutes to complete.
Q: Are there any risks for my child?
A: We understand that these topics and practices are private and may be sacred to you and your child. Your child’s responses will be confidential, and only researchers involved in the project will have access to these responses. Your child’s name will not be used in any report, nor will it be associated with their responses in any way.
Q: What if my child changes their mind about participating in the middle of the interview or the survey?
A: All participation in research is completely voluntary. You or your child can always say that you don’t want to participate in a particular study or activity, and that is totally fine! Your child will be able to skip any questions, and, if your child feels uncomfortable in any way, they can withdraw from the study at any time with no consequence.